Its a choice New


8:07 PMHeather

I would say that my mantras for this time in my life are "Its a choice"...and "New". I really want to change focus this year. I want to be a better mom but also a better me. My shift has to be to make me happy. I think that a happier me means that I can spread more love and happiness to those around me. That is where the "New" comes in. I've felt like recently that I have been in a rut. In almost all areas of my life. I looked up the definition of rut here is what I found...a fixed usually boring routine. Hmmm sums it up doesn't it. I found that this rut not only encompassed my daily life as far as what I do and my "routine" but also my clothes, hair, and make up, what i do every day and night and everything in between. Its no wonder that I feel so I have decided to make changes. New doesn't mean that I'm going to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe or dramatically change my whole life, quit my job and move away...although sometimes that does sound appealing. Really to me, this "New" philosophy is mainly to focus on making small changes. Small changes can make a big impact further down the road. I want to react different. To my sweet boy and to everyone. I have found that I am a fast reactor, and sometimes these fast reactions can cause irreversible damage. I want to be joyful and peaceful. Does that sound stupid? I want to think about things before I say them and hold my tongue when my opinion isn't really needed. I want to be more positive and less negative! I am going to choose to be happy. So unlike everyone who resolved to a bunch of stuff on Jan 1st I am just choosing to make some changes that I'm hoping will make a lasting and positive impact on my life and the lives of those around me.

One thing that I am doing is "making old things new". I was lucky enough to have my very best friend visit me for a week with her husband and her two sweet girls this last December. We had a great time and it was great to catch up. I miss her so much living so far away. This has me thinking, I have really good "old" friends who live close by that I rarely ever connect with. These are people who helped shape my life and make me who I am. I miss them. So I plan on reconnecting with my old girlfriends and making them a priority in my life. I am going to choose to make special time for them. And while I cherish the friendships that I have now, there is really nothing like those friendships that you forged with girls that you really grew up with. I think that this is going to be a very big and important step for me and my "Newness". It makes me happy just thinking about it! In fact I've already made plans with one of these important girls!

I know that everyday I am faced with so many choices. And I really want to think about them before I make them. I really believe that most choices are also just a mindset... happiness isn't a destination, its something that we can choose to be. Its how we deal with our surroundings and situations that we find ourselves in. Hopefully, I can choose to eat how I know I should and I will see a result in that choice. I can choose to smile instead of frown and smiling really can make you feel happy. I can choose to think before I speak, and choose words that are helpful and not hurtful, or I can choose to not say anything at all. (imagine that :))

Maybe you'll notice a change.. maybe you won't. But regardless I think its gonna be a good thing!

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  1. it is a great resolution! you will be a better mom and friend because of the choices you are making. i too miss my friend connections.


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