
I have a problem...

11:11 PMHeather

I have no self control. I mean really, I can't stop. Eating. I love food! I mean I L.O.V.E. food! It makes me happy, then it makes me sad. I have to stop. I just hit up my favorite night time friend. The Smuckers hot fudge sauce. No really, I go into the kitchen late at night and get the largest spoon I can find and take a giant spoonful of refrigerated hot fudge...errr...cold fudge. Ummm yummm! That is all I can say. But seriously all of this needs to stop.
Honestly, they have a drug for alcoholics that makes them sick when they drink. I think that there should be a drug that you can take that once you've reached your 1200 calories for the day anything you eat after that would make you violently ill. Yes, I said violently. Because if it was that bad you wouldn't be doing it for very long now would you. I would hope not. I am thoroughly convinced that there has to be something I can do to help myself. Something that will control my horrible lack of self control. But WHAT IS IT? I thought maybe a diet of coffee, diet coke and pickles might work. Really. Coffee is good for one thing..I won't mention what that is but I think you know. Diet coke makes you feel full and pickles are salty and zero calories. What do you think? I'm pretty sure it will work. I mean really it could be the next big thing. The only other thing I think would help was if I took a picture everyday of the yuckiness that is from my waist down to remind me why I need to have self control. Hmmmm I don't know. I think the coffee, diet coke, pickles diet would be easier.

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