Monday Madness

Monday Madness..much like March Madness but not.

11:05 AMHeather

Have you ever thought about those little idiosyncrasies that you have? Those things that you do that make perfect sense to you but maybe not so much to anyone else. Is that even something you think that you can figure out about yourself? I mean Sam is a freak about security. Honestly I think it borders on the side of OCD. It is maddening. This weekend I went out to hook up the trailer so my mom and I could go and pick up some tool boxes she had bought for my dad for his birthday. I hooked it up to the truck and I asked my mom to take off the tire covers. She very calmly told me that she couldn’t get one of the covers off so I told her I would do it. When I walked over to the tire I notice that Sam had hooked a ratchet strap around the tire to prevent someone from driving off with it. It was so tight that I couldn’t get it off. I tried calling him at work four times in a row to tell me how I was supposed to get this stupid strap off. He never answered. So I did what any sane person would do. I went into the house and got the scissors and cut that strap off. Then I left it on the concrete so he could find it when he moves the trailer back where it goes today and see that I cut it off. (Sometimes I’m a jerk) But honestly I was so mad. Because really, I have a hard time believing that someone is going to take the time to drive into our backyard in broad daylight and hook up the trailer and leave with it. Maybe it will happen but I doubt it. He is also a freak about locking the doors. He will be sitting watching TV during the day and the house and it will be locked down like Fort Knox. It really sucks when I leave to go to the grocery store purposely leave the front door unlocked and come home with arm loads of groceries only to find the front door locked. But not just locked dead bolted as well. The really maddening part about this is that I have found that now when I walk in the door I lock it. Much to the chagrin of anyone else who might want to come in or go out. WHY? I don’t want to be on lockdown. So why do I do it? I have yet to figure this out.
I sent Sam a text message on Saturday night while he was out with his friends and told him that I think he needs to take me out on a date before I go crazy. His reply was, “you already are crazy, but I’m getting used to it”. Followed by “ha ha”. The funny thing about this whole thing is that I have found that we really see all the things other people do that annoy us. But we forget or can’t see the things that we do that might annoy other people. Because it is pretty obvious that Sam has no clue how annoying he is.  So what things do I do? Hmmm… well I should definitely start off with work. After all this is the one placing that I constantly want to throw things at people. (Last week I did throw a whole pad of post it notes at a smug little man who works with me…but that is a whole other story). I know that I like things a certain way. I want all paperwork done and in the order that I want it in. I honestly just dug through a whole bag of clips so that I could clip a clients documents with a pretty red binder clip. But is that annoying? Ok we’ll move on from work and just say that everything I do there is always right and people should just follow my lead and do what I want or keep quiet…hmmm…maybe I am a tad narcissistic. I don’t really want to be. I will try harder not to be. Yikes! I think this blog post took me somewhere I didn’t want to go…self discovery sucks! – Let’s see how I am at home… I’m kinda scared now. But really I think I’m much worse at work than at home. I do like everyone to be quiet when I’m watching One Tree Hill but that is just because this season is so great and really intense. I think I’m pretty relaxed at home actually. I mean, the house isn’t always clean. My room will never be sparkling, and I do let clothes sit on the couch waiting to be folded for more than a day. Hmmm. I don’t know, maybe I’m scared to dig any deeper. I’ll just have to break down and ask Sam to tell me what things I do that annoy him. I can tell you one thing he has told me. He thinks my life revolves around food. Well, I don’t know where he would get that idea. I mean I don’t think he’s ever seen me eating a spoonful of hot fudge before. Hee hee.
I’m not sure this little journey of self discovery is exactly where I wanted to go with this post but maybe all of this will lead me to be a better person. Maybe not. But I think now I’m pretty sure that we can’t see or don’t want to see the things we do that annoy and irritate others. Oh boy, I think I opened a can of worms. But I guess we’ll see where it leads. I’ll let you know what he says. I wonder if I’ll agree.
Anywho… happy Monday! Hope you have a happy and relaxing week. I’ll leave you with this thought, I heard it somewhere. If you always focus on what you don’t like about someone you will forget all the things you love about them. Ain’t that the truth.

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