#fit2fab Better me

Starting over.... #fit2fab

11:32 AMHeather

I absolutely hate when I get off track! And how sad is it that I got off track in week 3??!!! I have no good excuse, I hit that time of the month, but seriously if that is what is going to derail me... Bottom line is I didn't stick to my plan and I didn't keep my promises. However, I really am committed to losing this weight. I want to wear leggings this winter, I want to feel good about myself! Surprisingly at the request of my 6 year old we went to the gym last night. I did a decent ab workout, with some dead lifts and squats thrown in. I work with two different trainers (when I work out with a trainer) Crazy that in the last two days I have spoken with both. One at the gym last night and the other one contacted me, ha ha probably because he knows I've already paid him for 5 training sessions and haven't seen him in months. (insert scared face here) I told Anthony (my main trainer) last night that I had really just lost my motivation. I still am struggling to get back in the gym and to work out. Last year when I felt and looked my best I was working out 3 to 5 days a week. So here is my plan... eat right and get in my water (i have sucked at that the last week) and get into the gym. I made two training appointments and would like to try to jump into the boxing class my gym offers. There is basically a week and a half left of the diet bet so I need to get on it. I'll let you know how the weekend goes! My fingers are crossed! But so far so good today!

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