High Five Friday

High Five Friday!

2:48 PMHeather

Ooooo its High Five Friday, I'm so excited! Mostly because its Friday and my work week is almost over but also because its been a really long week and I'm mentally and physically exhausted and ready for the break. I'm doing today's post from work...hence I'm out to lunch! Our glorious owners blocked Pinterest and Facebook from our computers. What they don't know is I have Facebook on my phone and my Windows live is connected through Facebook so they really didn't hurt me that much.
Anyway on to the meat of this post :) My Friday HIGH Five!

1. Fabulous shoes- I bought the most amazing pair of Enzo Angiolini shoes this week. They are just the color I've been looking for. (kind of a champange/neutral color) They are high and beautiful and it was love at first sight and I had to have them! It wasn't even a question. They make me happy!
2. I was able to help save someone's home today. It is really gratifying to know that this persons home will not sell on Monday because I didn't give up on them when our attorney's did. After some sentence enhancing words were spoken they gave it one more try. Low and behold...sale date stopped. Super excited!
3. Buddy got his first pair of Chuck Taylors. OMG they are just the cutest thing. My sweet boy is such a honey. We are now twinners. And we are very excited!
4. Julia played a great game last Saturday and plays again tomorrow and we are so glad that she is finally on an AWESOME team! She got a great hit and I really think that this will boost her confidence. Also excited to watch Megs play tomorrow as well!
5. Upper 70's. Cannot say that this beautiful weather is not nice. Having the sun shining in the morning does seem to make the day better. I'm also super excited that the time is changing this weekend and we can do stuff outside when I get home from work. I can't wait to start riding my bike again. So excited about that.

I'm happy that its the weekend. I can't begin to express how much I need it. I can tell you that tomorrow will be a day of many highs! I wait happily for Saturday to arrive!

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