buddy Marble Jar

The marble jar....

12:14 PMHeather

So lately Buddy has been having some four year old behavior issues. Talking back, not listening, throwing tantrums, you know typical four year old stuff (I hope its typical!). I know what you're thinking, not that sweet little angel boy! Ha ha, he has horns people! They're just well hidden :) Anyway, I have been trying to figure out more positive ways of dealing with this nonsense, other than yelling. Because honestly most things don't even phase him. I borrowed this idea from a friend of mine. She uses something similar with her girls so I thought that I would give it a try. So this morning I sat Buddy down and told him how the jar was going to work. I let him know that when he listens, does what he is told, has a good day at school or is just a good boy he will earn a marble.
Whenever he earns a marble it goes into the jar. But, he was also told that if he doesn't listen or talks back or misbehaves he will get a marble taken away. When his jar of marbles is full he will get a reward. Lately he has been asking for a computer, so I let him know that when his marble jar is full he will get his computer.
I'm hoping that because this is something visual that he will be able to see how being good and listening as opposed to being bad or disrespectful can be rewarding. I plan on being somewhat generous with his "good" marbles, only because if he gets marbles taken away I don't want his jar to always be empty. But I also want to encourage him to be a good and polite little boy. I have been telling him how cowboys are polite and have good manners. Since little man is a cowboy through and through, I'm hoping that he'll catch on soon! I definitely want him to be a sweet and polite little boy so I'm willing to do whatever it takes to help him get there. So far so good. He has earned two marbles and has not talked back or gotten upset yet. It is only noon, but I'm hopeful for a great day! I'll let you know how it goes! xoxo, Heather I linked up this post with the following awesome blogs:
I Heart Nap Time

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