So I took all of the below information off of the Fat Mum Slim blog but it looks like fun! You should try it too! I think it would be easiest using your cell phone camera but I'm sure I'll bust out my good one as well!
Once you've taken your photo you share it on which ever platform you like: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, Blog, Pinterest ... where ever! Make sure you tag it with #photoadayJune if sharing on Twitter or Instagram
Here's how to share your photo:
INSTAGRAM: Upload your photo to Instagram, add a sweet filter and put #photoadayJune in the caption so others can see your photos {share to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Flickr etc from Instagram if you like}
TWITTER: Upload your photo to Instagram, add some words to describe it and use the hashtag #photoadayJune so others can see your photos
FACEBOOK: Create an album titled something like, Photo a Day June, and make the album public, then upload your photos. It's a good idea to upload the list too so you can refer to it and others can see what you're doing. You can also share your photos on my Fat Mum Slim Facebook page. Don't add them to the comments, but instead upload the photo or share a link on my page. Please.
PINTEREST: Upload your photos to a board, and use the hashtag #photoadayJune so that others can search for them.
BLOGS & TUMBLR: Upload your photos to your blog or Tumblr and share with the world.
FLICKR: Share your photos in the Photo a day group.
Happy clicking!
There are mornings that I wish that I could put on an apron and whip up a batch of pancakes or french toast, but most mornings it is just a crazy nightmare of getting myself ready for work and getting buddy ready for school. There never seems to be time for anything let alone make a nice breakfast for my boy. So most mornings when I get a healthy breakfast made for my boy I am happy. Our usual routine consists of a nutra grain bar and some milk or his version of "coffee" which is milk with a little sugar free vanilla creamer added to it. But most days he likes a breakfast shake. We have two versions that we make around here, a chocolate version and a vanilla. They are simple and make me feel good about giving him something I think is pretty healthy.
Our cast of characters include:
Instant breakfast, Milk, Greek or regular yogurt, bananas, (strawberries if the vanilla version) and spinach.
Buddy really loves his shakes! He loves them in either flavor. I love that I feel good about giving it to him. I just blend it all together, sometimes with a couple ice cubes so it feels more "Shakie". He doesn't even notice the spinach, he just knows that it tastes yummy! It is a simple, healthy breakfast for those mornings that we are running around crazy..(which is most mornings around here :)
I always make sure to put his shake in a cup that isn't clear (wink, wink) that way he doesn't get freaked out by little green flecks in his shake. It makes our mornings much easier...and who doesn't like easier.
On another note today buddy decided that when he is playing cowboys he wants to be called Tex. I think that he's decided that it sounds more cowboy that his regular name. That Tex..he's pretty awesome! Now he just needs a horse named Whiskey and he'll be a real rootin tootin cowboy!
Holy Heck kids, its Friday and I am so excited for a three day weekend that I can barely stand it. I look forward to sleeping in, hitting the gym, hanging with my mom and dad and of course my baby boy and hot hunk of man. I need three days off for sure! I'm also really excited about my "high five", so without further ado lets begin....
1. When I got home from work yesterday there was a nice brown box waiting for me at my doorstep. I was very excited when I saw that it was from one of my favorite friends Lisa!! Those boxes are always fun! I opened it up like it was Christmas morning and believe me when I got inside of this dandy box it WAS like Christmas! Inside there was some fabulous and U-H-M-A-Z-I-N-G jewelry inside. I was and still am so giddy I cant even describe it. The pieces are so fun and me! It was hard for me to decide which pieces to wear today. I put on a few that I loved.
Oh yeah I am one lucky lady!!!
2. Thursday was my Papa's birthday. I should say that my Papa is in heaven and has been for gosh 6 years now. Doesn't seem that long. That being said Buddy and Papa never met. But you would never know that to hear Buddy tell you. He talks about his Papa and how he misses him. Isn't it funny how kids are. Anyway, I told Buddy that it was Papa's birthday and Buddy says.."So Papa is having birthday cake with Jesus"...and I replied yes he is. When we said our prayers that night we sand Papa happy birthday and Buddy asked Jesus if Papa could come home to us. My baby is such a sweetheart!
3. I am just feeling extremely blessed with my boys this week (big boy and baby boy);) Sam has just been so awesome lately and I just feel like we are in such a good place. I love him to pieces and am thankful to that Buddy and I have him! Those boys are so cute together!
4. Ummmm did I mention the three day weekend???? Waaaa whooooo!!!
5. I heard something somewhere that said "What would happen if you woke up tomorrow and all you had were the things that you thanked God for today" I try to thank God for all of the blessing that I have but man there are so am thankful for my family, my parents who lets just agree are the best parents and I wouldn't trade them for ANYTHING or ANYONE, my sweet buddy, Sam, for the home we have to live in, for my job that allows Buddy to go to an awesome school, for my salvation, and for my friends who love me and support me.
I see all these things that are good in my life and how could I be anything but happy! I hope that you are happy too!!!
Ahhh yes Monday, how I love you. But lets be really honest here. Who loves Mondays? Surely not me. Monday means the end to the weekend and that makes me sad and today it makes me tired. But, I did have a very nice weekend so I can't complain too much. Mother's day was very nice. My boys did very good this year! Buddy made me a candle holder at school and he was sooo proud of it. Sam got me a bracelet, and new "rims" for the red rocket and he treated for dinner for our whole family, he also got gifts for mom and Haley as well! That boy is doing a good job! It was a nice day and so nice to just be with the people that I love.
I've had this annoying eye twitch in my left eye for over a week now. I have been warned of Bell's Palsy but so far I have none of the other symptoms (which is good) However, man an eye twitch might be one of the most annoying things ever. I'm going to try to go to bed early tonight to see if that helps. Maybe this whole thing is just that I have been dieting, working out, stressed at work, not too much sleep, and I am just dragging through the days...that could be it. I think I need a massage and a haircut, but that is a whole other story. I'm honestly considering acupuncture. It seems to be a cure all. But we'll see.
I didn't do so hot this week on my diet. There were definitely days where I felt awesome, like the day I hit 144. Then my mom and dad came into town and dinners out happened. So this morning I was back at 146 which sucks. I hate that a few indulgences really do effect you. I really need to get my butt in gear at the gym as well but honestly have felt somewhat fatigued so I don't think I have been giving it my all. I am eating plenty but am thinking I need to add in a multi-vitamin just to combat the fatigue and stress and other life happenings.
I feel like I have lots of awesome posts planned hopefully I will get around to writing them :) In the meantime I will give you a happy little snapshot of Monday blessings.... The three most important blessings in my life!
1. I am blessed to be the mommy of such a sweet and bratty little man! I love this boy so much. I cannot even begin to imagine my life without him. Even when he tells me that I am mean and that when he grows up he is going to move away from me so I won't be mean to him. I love him even when he throws a fit because he doesn't want to wear the shirt I picked out for him. I love this boy because he is my baby and because when I cry he wipes my tears and tells me it will be ok. He gives sweet kisses and hugs and I just love him!
2. My mommy and daddy. I truly, truly believe that I have been blessed with the best parents ever! My mom and dad have supported me through every event in my life. They love me unconditionally and they love Buddy! And I can honestly say Buddy is the luckiest boy ever to have them for grandparents!!!
3. Even though I moan and groan sometimes about Sam, he has really stepped up and made us super happy! I love that he loves Buddy and Buddy absolutely adores him!
I am blessed!
Ok, so I have been meaning to post some updated photos but never seem to have the time. So I made some tonight. Some shots from Easter...we are happy!
Ahhhh I love my family!!
xoxo H~
Oh happy day, its Friday y’all!
I love Fridays, I love that today is really the start to the weekend and that my work week is almost over. I’m also pretty excited that I have been doing so good going to the gym and with my program. Baby steps ya know!
For my Friday high five I guess that I just want to tell you that I am really thankful for everything that I have. I am happy where I am right now, even if where I am is a weird and tiresome place. My hermitness is ok with me today in this moment.
1. My sometimes annoying but sweet Sam and I have been together for two years. On our first date we went to an Irish Pub and Sam ordered me a Blue Moon with Orange juice. (that is beer) If you know me you know I hate beer. However on this occasion I drank it. When I was done he asked me if I wanted another one… I smiled and said no thank you. He said, “you didn’t like it?” I said “I really don’t like beer”…him…”Well why didn’t you tell me”…me…”I was being polite”… hee hee two years has had its ups and downs, and every day is not roses but I am thankful for this man who loves me and Easton. We love him with all our hearts!
2. Breakfast today…so yummy Cinnamon French Toast with blue berries, raspberries, and bananas! It was tasty!
3. My sweet boy, I just love him. He has not gotten out of his bed during the night once this week. I am so thankful for the full nights sleep! And I must say I love his hugs and kisses in the morning!
4. I took Buddy over to see Lucas and “his” baby Emma this week. Buddy just loved her so. He held her and gave her kisses. I’m hoping that visiting with the baby will cure his baby fever for a while. The boy just wants a baby brother or sister so bad.
5. Tomorrow is Julia’s last softball game this season. I am so proud of her for the player that she is! She has improved so much and try’s so hard. Of course I am super excited that she loves softball! She is growing up to be an amazing young lady and I love her so much!
Hope your Friday makes you smile and that you take a moment to truly enjoy and cherish the blessings that you have!
xoxo - Heather