High Five Friday

High Five Friday!

10:57 AMHeather

Oh happy day, its Friday y’all! I love Fridays, I love that today is really the start to the weekend and that my work week is almost over. I’m also pretty excited that I have been doing so good going to the gym and with my program. Baby steps ya know! For my Friday high five I guess that I just want to tell you that I am really thankful for everything that I have. I am happy where I am right now, even if where I am is a weird and tiresome place. My hermitness is ok with me today in this moment. xoxo 1. My sometimes annoying but sweet Sam and I have been together for two years. On our first date we went to an Irish Pub and Sam ordered me a Blue Moon with Orange juice. (that is beer) If you know me you know I hate beer. However on this occasion I drank it. When I was done he asked me if I wanted another one… I smiled and said no thank you. He said, “you didn’t like it?” I said “I really don’t like beer”…him…”Well why didn’t you tell me”…me…”I was being polite”… hee hee two years has had its ups and downs, and every day is not roses but I am thankful for this man who loves me and Easton. We love him with all our hearts! 2. Breakfast today…so yummy Cinnamon French Toast with blue berries, raspberries, and bananas! It was tasty! 3. My sweet boy, I just love him. He has not gotten out of his bed during the night once this week. I am so thankful for the full nights sleep! And I must say I love his hugs and kisses in the morning! 4. I took Buddy over to see Lucas and “his” baby Emma this week. Buddy just loved her so. He held her and gave her kisses. I’m hoping that visiting with the baby will cure his baby fever for a while.  The boy just wants a baby brother or sister so bad. 5. Tomorrow is Julia’s last softball game this season. I am so proud of her for the player that she is! She has improved so much and try’s so hard. Of course I am super excited that she loves softball! She is growing up to be an amazing young lady and I love her so much! Hope your Friday makes you smile and that you take a moment to truly enjoy and cherish the blessings that you have! xoxo - Heather

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