Monday, Monday...da- da- da- da- da- da-

4:56 PMHeather

Ahhh yes Monday, how I love you. But lets be really honest here. Who loves Mondays? Surely not me. Monday means the end to the weekend and that makes me sad and today it makes me tired. But, I did have a very nice weekend so I can't complain too much. Mother's day was very nice. My boys did very good this year! Buddy made me a candle holder at school and he was sooo proud of it. Sam got me a bracelet, and new "rims" for the red rocket and he treated for dinner for our whole family, he also got gifts for mom and Haley as well! That boy is doing a good job! It was a nice day and so nice to just be with the people that I love. I've had this annoying eye twitch in my left eye for over a week now. I have been warned of Bell's Palsy but so far I have none of the other symptoms (which is good) However, man an eye twitch might be one of the most annoying things ever. I'm going to try to go to bed early tonight to see if that helps. Maybe this whole thing is just that I have been dieting, working out, stressed at work, not too much sleep, and I am just dragging through the days...that could be it. I think I need a massage and a haircut, but that is a whole other story. I'm honestly considering acupuncture. It seems to be a cure all. But we'll see. I didn't do so hot this week on my diet. There were definitely days where I felt awesome, like the day I hit 144. Then my mom and dad came into town and dinners out happened. So this morning I was back at 146 which sucks. I hate that a few indulgences really do effect you. I really need to get my butt in gear at the gym as well but honestly have felt somewhat fatigued so I don't think I have been giving it my all. I am eating plenty but am thinking I need to add in a multi-vitamin just to combat the fatigue and stress and other life happenings. I feel like I have lots of awesome posts planned hopefully I will get around to writing them :) In the meantime I will give you a happy little snapshot of Monday blessings.... The three most important blessings in my life!
1. I am blessed to be the mommy of such a sweet and bratty little man! I love this boy so much. I cannot even begin to imagine my life without him. Even when he tells me that I am mean and that when he grows up he is going to move away from me so I won't be mean to him. I love him even when he throws a fit because he doesn't want to wear the shirt I picked out for him. I love this boy because he is my baby and because when I cry he wipes my tears and tells me it will be ok. He gives sweet kisses and hugs and I just love him!
2. My mommy and daddy. I truly, truly believe that I have been blessed with the best parents ever! My mom and dad have supported me through every event in my life. They love me unconditionally and they love Buddy! And I can honestly say Buddy is the luckiest boy ever to have them for grandparents!!! 3. Even though I moan and groan sometimes about Sam, he has really stepped up and made us super happy! I love that he loves Buddy and Buddy absolutely adores him! I am blessed! xoxo

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