You can blog when your email and computer programs dont work at work..

2:08 PMHeather

Hee hee... you know, in theory you would think that if you couldn't do your job while you were at work but had to stay there it would be kinda fun. You could surf the net, talk to people, you know just hang out. But in reality, not being able to work while at work is kind of boring. I have read all the blogs I follow, checked out facebook, pinterest is partly down as well so that sucks (especially when its the pictures that don't show up)So that is really no fun. It is actually pretty interesting that our server is down and we cannot work but our internet works...go figure. So what is a girl to of course. If only I were at home...then I could put up an awesome picture post, but alas I am stuck at my work computer. So here is what I'm going to do. I am going to do a picture post photos from my cell phone. Are you excited now. Ha ha you should be because I am going to post 15 pictures that is what I am saying right see, I have no idea what the first 15 pictures are on my cell phone but I'm gonna go ahead and do it anyway... Not that you will notice the time between the point I am writing this and the point that the pictures are loaded but I am going to tell you anyway..give me a second while I upload my 15 pictures... This is taking longer than I thought...bear with me.. ahh ok here we go, they uploaded on here a little random but I will just sit back and let you enjoy my amazing photography skills on my blackberry...

My sweet boy..
We did yard work on Sunday and cleaned the pool, it was so warm that Buddy got in...he said it wasn't cold but I don't really believe that, and no I did not feel the water to be sure
Oh this is a picture of our new weed whacker...this bad boy is awesome.. it is super easy to use and I love it!
This is a picture of the planter next to our swimming pool. Prior to this picture it was filled with Aloe Vera plants they were ugly and smelly and I don't like them so I pulled them all out. Next I will dig out more of the dirt add new soil and pretty flowers. Stay tuned and I'll post pics when its done.
This is a pic of Buddy and myself toasting ice cream sandwiches before we had our Saturday night movie night. We watched a cowboy movie...I won't tell you the title...just because i don't want to :)
This was a yummy cupcake my sister made it was peanut butter delightfulness. So yummy. She has started her own little business and I am so excited for her. Future post alert... I will be doing a whole post on her cupcakes with yummy pics!
Here is my boy... so handsome!
By the way did I mention he is a pirate? These pictures are prior to our sword fight. I am a bigger badder pirate, I won!
Then he shot me with his slingshot
Here is his robot made out of recycled items for school. He was so proud!
ahh gotta love when gas is only $4.05 right?
Yes I am that mom who takes pictures of her baby sleeping...sue me... he is way to cute not to!
This was in the drive thru at Jack in the Box in Brawley on our way home from Glamis. He did not want me to take his picture.
Man I love this kid!
Lastly this is my boy working hard at mommy's office. So there you have it, a picture post with the first 15 pictures out of my cell phone. Aren't you glad you read my blog today :) Btw, my server is still down and I am officially bored. Hope you are having an amazing day! xoxo, Heather

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