buddy recipes

Buddies Breakfast Shakes..

10:30 PMHeather

There are mornings that I wish that I could put on an apron and whip up a batch of pancakes or french toast, but most mornings it is just a crazy nightmare of getting myself ready for work and getting buddy ready for school. There never seems to be time for anything let alone make a nice breakfast for my boy. So most mornings when I get a healthy breakfast made for my boy I am happy. Our usual routine consists of a nutra grain bar and some milk or his version of "coffee" which is milk with a little sugar free vanilla creamer added to it. But most days he likes a breakfast shake. We have two versions that we make around here, a chocolate version and a vanilla. They are simple and make me feel good about giving him something I think is pretty healthy. Our cast of characters include:

Instant breakfast, Milk, Greek or regular yogurt, bananas, (strawberries if the vanilla version) and spinach.
Buddy really loves his shakes! He loves them in either flavor. I love that I feel good about giving it to him. I just blend it all together, sometimes with a couple ice cubes so it feels more "Shakie". He doesn't even notice the spinach, he just knows that it tastes yummy! It is a simple, healthy breakfast for those mornings that we are running around crazy..(which is most mornings around here :)
I always make sure to put his shake in a cup that isn't clear (wink, wink) that way he doesn't get freaked out by little green flecks in his shake. It makes our mornings much easier...and who doesn't like easier. On another note today buddy decided that when he is playing cowboys he wants to be called Tex. I think that he's decided that it sounds more cowboy that his regular name. That Tex..he's pretty awesome! Now he just needs a horse named Whiskey and he'll be a real rootin tootin cowboy!

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