bud buddy

Interview with a Vampire errr Buddy #2

11:11 PMHeather

I don't know if you saw my first interview with Buddy. If not try this link Here . If the link doesn't work (because this is the first time I've ever tried to add a link like that you can just go to the right side of the blog go to the spot where the labels are and click on interview. This should bring up both of the interview posts. So without further adieu here is interview #2, 6 Months after the 1st. Buddy at 4

1. What is your favorite color: Blue 2. What is your favorite food: Fish sticks 3. Who is your favorite person ever: Mommy 4. What is your favorite show to watch: Rolli Polli Olie 5. What is your favorite dessert: Ice Cream 6. Who is your best friend? Mommy 7. What is your favorite thing to do? Play outside 8. What is your favorite song? Dude looks like a lady 9. What is your favorite toy? My guns 10. What is your favorite snack? Bananas 11. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Jelly Sandwich 12. What is your favorite thing to wear? Cowboy Jean 13. What is your favorite animal? Real big horses 14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? play and shoot things 15. What is your favorite cereal? Lucky Charms 16. What do your want for dinner on your birthday? Birthday cake 17. What do you want to be when you grow up? Cowboy 18. What do you take to bed with you? My Nanni and my little woody (Don't laugh) 19. What is your favorite holiday? Pumpkins roar 20. What do you want more than anything? A horse So you can see his answers didn't change too much. He's just a little cowboy in need of a horse. Ha ha... that one won't happen for a while. I'm thinking I won't do the interview again until age 5, but you never know.
P.S. I'm not sure why my blog posts are so whacked. This was supposed to be in a list form but when it saves it is not in list form any longer. It is mystifying and maybe one day I'll figure it out. Hope you aren't bothered too much! xoxo, H.

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