
Interview with a Vampire..err..I mean my Buddy!

9:47 PMHeather

I found this cute idea on Pinterest where you interview your little person and ask them some questions and then ask them the same questions every year. This would work especially good around their birthday so you could do it annually. What a cute idea to see how much your little person changes through the years. I thought that this was a really cute idea and wanted to try it with buddy. BUT, I didn't want to wait until his birthday to do it. So... I decided since buddy is 3 and a half I would start with every six months. So here goes....
1. What is your favorite color: Blue
2. What is your favorite food: Fish sticks
3. Who is your favorite person ever: Mommy
4. What is your favorite show to watch: Handy Many
5. What is your favorite dessert: Ice Cream
6. Who is your best friend? Lucas
7. What is your favorite thing to do? Play with my track
8. What is your favorite song? Dude looks like a lady
9. What is your favorite toy? My train
10. What is your favorite snack? Gummy Gummies
11. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Chicken
12. What is your favorite thing to wear? Brown cowboy shirt
13. What is your favorite animal? Horse
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? Ride my motorcycle
15. What is your favorite cereal? Lucky Charms
16. What do your want for dinner on your birthday? Birthday cake and Chicken
17. What do you want to be when you grow up? Cowboy fireman
18. What do you take to bed with you? My Nanni
19. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
20. What do you want more than anything? A baby sister

I love my sweet boy! Can't wait to see what his answers are each time.


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