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Happy Hump Day!

12:47 PMHeather

Happy hump day! Shocker I know, multiple posts! They may or may not be a more frequent thing, but only because I am trying to hold myself accountable for goals, parenting, and other stuff. Here were my goals yesterday: 1. Drink 1 gallon of water 2. Get to bed by 9pm 3. Stay within my eating plan 4. Focus on my words Here is how I did: 1. I did it!!!! 2. Was in bed at 9:30 probably asleep by 10 but I could have slept by 8:30 3. Did pretty good all day long. Slipped a little last night but was still down in weight this morning. 4. Daily struggle - But for the most part did good. Today's Goals: 1. Drink 1 gallon of water 2. Get to bed by 9pm 3. Stay within my eating plan 4. Focus on my words the rest of the day 5. Put into practice some new methods of dealing with an angry little boy So here is what the deal is with my angry little man. Lately he gets really angry when he gets mad, and angry over nothing. What I have been doing is working so I need a new approach. I've been doing a bunch of reading because I honestly hate yelling and I feel like I am spinning my wheels at times. So I am going to really focus on staying calm and giving him his moment and then speaking with him. Also I am going to resort to oils in the air to see if that helps. But I think that what is really going to make the biggest difference is the talk I'm going to have with him tonight and what we will be focusing on over the next few weeks. This morning I noticed when he was upset and angry in the car I didn't say anything and I put a song on the radio by Jeremy Camp. Give me Jesus. After the song had been playing for a minute I could tell that his anger had dissipated. My baby loves Jesus. We prayed and I thought we would have a great day but something else set him off when we got to school (he wasn't listening and I told him I was going to take his sharing home with me because he wasn't listening about it). This resulted in a ten minute tantrum back out in our car. As I drove to work I really got to thinking about what might work with him, something different. As I thought about it I really thought that the best approach with him right now is to focus on his love of Jesus. His love is fierce and he will ask you if you believe in Jesus and tell you why you should and exactly how to get into heaven. I decided that I'm going to ask him if he wants to be a "warrior for Jesus". I printed some color pictures to put up in his room.
I'm planning on explaining that when we love Jesus so fierce that sometimes we get attacked and don't even realize it. And that our anger is a result of that attack. And that we have to fight back against the attack by putting on God's armor. I will explain that and explain that prayer will help. But I think I would also like to create a space for him called his war room. This place will be where he can go and have his moment and focus on fighting his battle! I'm not sure that this will work, but I'm willing to try. I think that if this does work it will give him an outlet and a way to battle on his own his anger. I'll let you know how it goes. Anyway I hope you have an amazing day!!! XO

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