Happy Friday!!!

1:34 PMHeather

I'm so excited for the weekend! I feel the need to decompress a little. T-ball with the little buddy in the morning, oil change and then I'm free. I picked a couple new hiking spots that I'm excited about so hopefully we can hit up at least one of those. Maybe we'll even get to two of them. We'll see, lets not get too crazy.. Anyway, have continued with my gallon of water. Hit that goal everyday! Go me! Eating has been on point. Words...I'm working on this daily! Sleep. I really need to get to bed earlier but I must say these Greens are kick ass! I sleep so good. I honestly don't remember when I have slept better. I can honestly say that I look forward to going to sleep at night knowing that I am going to get a great nights sleep. I hope I never forget to drink them! I'm thinking I'm going to try a couple of their other products since I love the Greens so much! Oh and I got my Young Living essential oils on Wednesday and I LOVE them!!! I'm going to keep experimenting with them. But I made a little concoction I called clean and happy and I really liked it! I shall keep mixing. I am super excited to order a couple to mix up a potion for buddy to focus better. Anyway...it is Friday afternoon I'm going to finish up my work so that I can get my weekend started! Have a great one! Oh yeah my goals for the weekend: 1. Drink ALL of my water 2. Be active Saturday and Sunday 3. Get to Church on Sunday 4. Keep my eating in check I'll leave you with my fabulous Friday fashion!!


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