2013 to do Better me

3:26 PMHeather

So in my never ending quest to better myself I am going to be doing a month long better me experiment. This month will include trying to better me all around. I'll post updates weekly so you can see if you care my progress. I’m already dieting (let’s get real, when am I not dieting, I’m doing Jenny Craig so I am expecting good results), and going to the gym regularly. In addition to these I will also be trying out some suppliments to see if they change my overall health. I will be taking 2000mg of Evening Primrose oil per day, and calcium cuz’ my mom told me I have to. I will be washing my hair with shampoo and baking soda (1 part shampoo 2 parts baking soda, I’m actually really excited to see if this makes a difference). Drinking all the water I’m supposed to. Whitening my teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide (via pinterest) and doing a bible study. Whew I think its gonna be a busy month!

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